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"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." - Bob Marley

Pia comes from a musical family and grew up with classical music. From a young age she came into contact with choral singing, which in her a great love for vocal music has fueled. In addition to music, Pia has a great interest in education and pedagogy. Here she gained further experience during her work as student-teacher history at the Joke Smit college. She combines her passion for classical choral singing and her pleasure in teaching with great enthusiasm in her work at Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam.
At Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Pia received an internal training from, among others, Caro Kindt (choral conducting, didactics) and Dennis van der Wijk (solfège, music theory and didactics). She also received lessons in children's cordial direction from Sylvere van Lieshout. After several years of intensive training, she has been giving solfège lessons since 2014 at the Prelude choirs, Intermezzo choirs, Ouverturekoren, Concertkoren, and Jongenskoren. Since September 2018 she is also a rehearsal of Intermezzokoor B and Jongenskoor 2A and 2B, she also coordinates Concertkoren and Talentenkoren.

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Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam / Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra / Ton Koopman